Make A Donation

A Donation Makes A Wonderful Gift

Platt Library - 2024


50 % Funded


About the campaign

Make a donation to Platt Branch Library in honor of a special occasion—such as a birthday, anniversary or graduation—or in memory of someone special. You can donate funds for general library use, or you can specify that your gift be used for purchasing any quantity of one or more of the items listed below. All donations are fully tax-deductible and may be matched by your employer's gift matching program (enclose your company's gift matching form to double your money).

The Friends will send a thank you note to the donor. If the contribution is in honor of someone, a special acknowledgement is sent to the honoree. When the librarian has selected the requested items, a commemorative bookplate is placed in the books and the honoree is notified of the title(s).

Below is listed the cost associated with each type of available item. If you would care to choose how your donation is spent, please list the types of items that you would prefer in the comment section of the donation form. Otherwise, the librarian will select the most needed items on your behalf.

  • $20 - Children's Books
  • $25 - Young Adult
  • $30 - Science Fiction / Fantasy
  • $30 - Mystery
  • $30 - Adult Fiction / Non-fiction
  • $30 - Autobiography / Biography
  • $30 - Current Bestseller
  • $35 - History Books
  • $60 - Art / Literature Books

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Reason: Campaign expired
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Woodland Hills, CA 91367

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